Chair Massage
On-site Workplace

Workplace Wellness
Looking for a way to boost productivity and employee morale? Well, bring the Treatment Room to work! Providing on-site chair massage services to any work environment or corporate event.
Corporate massage therapy gives employees a needed mental and physical break from stressors in the workplace. Increased productivity and business success with a corporate wellness program.
How it Works
Show your commitment to employees' wellbeing and health by creating a wellness program. Corporate massage can assist in:
1. Stress Management
Stress is a silent killer in the world. However, there are ways to keep it in check. Don't let employees deal with stress in the workplace too. Quick chair massage sessions promote better circulation and muscle stimulation from sitting at a desk or standing for long periods which counteracts fatigue.
2. Improves Focus
After working for an extended period, clearing the mind allows employees to be more focused and attentive to details. Reducing errors and increasing accuracy.
3. Increased Job Satisfaction
Let your employees know they are valued and appreciated with regular massage therapy. This improves loyalty to the company, decreased absentees caused by illness or injury, and improves performance.
4.Attract Talent & Increase Retention
Offering a corporate wellness program as a perk can help attract top tier talent for your company. Be the company that invests in employee health and wellbeing.
Introducing a corporate wellness program to your company starts with one step. Look for the effects of stress on your team and how it may be hurting their work. After, consider the value a wellness program can bring to your company's culture.
Relax, Renew & Restore with a wellness program in your company.